topics Help topics access basic files info lists mass misc sets spying toggles Topic info Help Usage Help Example help add -- shows help for "add" help topics -- lists help topics help topic basic -- shows list of basic commands Ping Usage Ping Makes the bot respond with a "Pong" message Stats Usage Stats [] [] Shows stats for a person on a certain channel Info Usage Info Shows version data and bot uptime Version Usage Version Returns the version of StealthBot that is running Access Usage Access [] [] Shows someone's access level Topic files Files Usage Files ** Currently Disabled ** Flist Usage FList ** Currently Disabled ** Send Usage Send ** Currently Disabled ** EndTopic Topic access Auth Usage Auth This verifies that you are who you claim to be Passwd Usage Passwd Changes your password on the bot Note Passwords are case-sensitive and are crypted so not even bot runners will know your password Aop Usage Aop [] Auto-ops someone on a certain channel Raop Usage RAop [] Stop auto-opping someone on a certain channel Add Usage Add [] [] [

] Adds someone on all chanels (*) or a certain channel Level - can be between 0 and 99, inclusive AOp - either 0 or 1 (0 = no, 1 = yes) Prot - can be 0 through 4 0 - no protection 1 - reop/unban, do nothing to offender 2 - reop/unban, deop offender 3 - reop/unban, kick offender 4 - reop/unban, kickban offender Passwd - Assigns the person a password Note If no args are given except the userlevel, all others are assumed to be 0 with no passwd Clvl Usage Clvl [] Changes the userlevel of someone on a certain channel Note the level must be less than or equal to yours on that channel Del Usage Del Deletes someone on all channels (*) or a certain channel Shit Usage Shit [expire] Shitlists someone on all channels (*) or a certain channel level - can be 1 through 3 1 - doesn't let the person be opped 2 - will kb the person 3 - rebans the person when unbanned by anyone expire - the number of days the shitlist will be good for (default is 30) reason - reason for the shitlist...displays it on kickban Note The bot checks for shitlisted users on join, nick switch, and when the bot is opped Restrict Usage Restrict Restricts the bot to a certain level...users with a level less than the restrict level will not be able to do commands Note a level of 0 removes restrict RShit Usage Rshit Removes someone from the shitlist Prot Useage Prot Protects someone on a certain channel or all channels (*) level - can be 1 through 4 1 - reop/unban, do nothing to offender 2 - reop/unban, deop offender 3 - reop/unban, kick offender 4 - reop/unban, kickban offender RProt Usage Rprot Stop protecting someone on a certain channel or all channels (*) ChAccess Usage ChAccess Changes the level needed to do a command Note the level cannot be set to a level higher than yours EndTopic Topic basic Chat Usae Chat The bot will /DCC Chat you Up Usage Up [] Ops you on a certain channel Down Usage Down [] Deops you on a channel B Usage B [] Bans someone on a certain channel UB Usage UB [] [] Unbans someone on a certain channel Note if no nick/userhost is given, you are unbanned Op Usage Op [] Ops someone on a certain channel Deop Usage Deop [] Deops someone on a certain channel K Usage K [] [] Kicks someone on a certain channel KB Usage KB [] [] Bans, then kicks someone on a certain channel SB Usage SB [] Sitebans someone on a certain channel SKB Usage SKB [] [] Sitekickbans someone on a certain channel Invite Usage Invite [] [] Invite someone to a certain channel Note It invites you, if no nick is given Topic Usage Topic [] Sets the topic on a certain channe- EndTopic Topic Mass MOP Usage MOp [] [] Mass-ops people on a certain channel...if wildcards are given, only those matching the wildcards will be opped. Otherwise, everyone is opped MDeOp Usage MDeOp [] [] Mass-deops people on a certain channel...if wildcards are given, only those matching the wildcards will be deopped. Otherwise, everyone is deopped Note the bot will NOT deop those with levels greater than or equal to what is set with "SetMal" MK Usage MK [] [] Mass-kicks people on a certain channel...if wildcards are given, only those matching the wildcards will be kicked. Otherwise, everyone is kicked Note the bot will NOT kick those with levels greater than or equal to what is set with "SetMal" MKB Usage MKB [] [] Mass-kickbans people on a certain channel...if wildcards are given, only those matching the wildcards will be kickbanned. Otherwise, everyone is kickbanned Note the bot will NOT kickban those with levels greater than or equal to what is set with "SetMal" MDeOpNU Usage MDeOpNU [] Mass-deops non-users on a certain channel MKNU Usage MKNU [] Masskick non-users on a certain channel MopU Usage MopU [] Mass-ops users on a certain channel MUB Usage MUB [] [] Massunbans the bans that match the wildcards specified MUBF Usage MUBF [] [] Massunbans the bans done by the person specified with the wildcards EndTopic Topic Spying SpyMsg Usage SpyMsg Redirects private messages the bot receives RSpyMsg Usage RSpyMsg Stop redirecting private messages teh bot receives Note if a nick is given, that person will be removed from receiving the private messages Spy Usage Spy [] Spy on a certain channel Note if a channel is given at the end...the bot will redirect to that channel instead of to you RSpy Usage RSpy [] Stop spying on a certain channel Note if a nick or channel is given at the end...that person/channel will be removed from spying EndTopic Topic Toggles TogBK Usage TogBK [] Toggles the kicking of beepers TogCK Usage TogCK [] Toggles the kicking of CAPSers TogAOp Usage TogAOp [] Toggles the auto-opping of users if verified TogProt Usage TogProt [] Toggles the protection of users TogPub Usage TogPub [] Toggles the allowance of public commands TogShit Usage TogShit [] Toggles the kicking of shitlisted users TogTop Usage TogTop [] Toggles the enforcement of the channel topic TogIK Usage TogIK [] Toggles the kicking of idle lusers on a certain channel TogSD Usage TogSD [] Toggles the deopping of non-users who are serveropped TogCC Usage TogCC Toggles the necessity of teh command character for doing commands TogEnfm Usage TogEnfm [] Toggles mode enforcement on a certain channel TogSO Usage TogSO [] Toggles strict opping...if on, if people not in the userlist are opped, they will be deopped EndTopic Topic Sets SetBKL Usage SetBKL Sets the number of beeps allowed within a 5 second period before the user will be kicked SetCKL Usage SetCKL Sets the number of lines of caps allowed within a 5 second period before the user will be kicked Note a line is considered all caps if 60% if it is in caps SetMDL Usage SetMDL Sets the the number of deops allowed during a 10 sec time period before it is considered a massdeop SetMBL Usage SetMBL Sets the the number of bans allowed during a 10 sec time period before it is considered a massban SetMKL Usage SetMKL Sets the the number of kicks allowed during a 10 sec time period before it is considered a masskic SetMPL Usage SetMPL Sets the protection level against massmoders level - can be 0, 1 or 2 0 - no action taken against offender 1 - kick offender 2 - kickban offender 3 - kickban and shitlist offender SetFL Usage SetFL Sets the number of lines by the same person within a 10 second peiod before it is considered a flood SetFPL Usage SetFPL Sets the protection level against floods level - can be 0 through 2 0 - no action against offender 1 - kick offender 2 - kickban offender Note After 3rd kick within 10 minutes, the person will be sitekickbanned After the 4th time, the person will be shitlisted SetNCL Usage SetNCL Sets the number of nick changes within a 10 second period before it is considered nickflooding SetIKT Usage SetIKT Sets the number of seconds someone is allowed to be idle before being kicked (if TogIK is on) SetMal Usage SetMAL Sets the mass-action level (the level massdeop, masskick, and masskickban will have no effect on) EndTopic Topic Lists DCCList Usage DCCList Lists all of the bots DCC connections Userlist Usage Userlist Shows the userlist Shitlist Usage Shitliost Shows the shitlist Loadusers Usage Loadusers Loads the userlist Loashit Usage Loadshit Loads the shitlist Saveusers Usage Saveusers Saves the userlist Saveshit Usage Saveshit Saves the shitlist Banlist Usage Banlist [] Shows the banlist for a certain channel SpyList Usage SpyList Shows who's spying on a certain channel Showusers Usage Showusers [] List the people on a certain channel This will show their userlevel and current mode status too Showidle Usage Showidle [] This will show how long people are idle If a number of seconds is given, it will only show people idle for more than that amount of time Last10 Usage Last10 Shows the last 10 commadns done, and who did them Channels Usage Channels Lists the channels the bot is active on EndTopic Topic misc Say Usage Say [] Make the bot talk on a certain channel Me Usage Me [] Make the bot do an action on a certain channel Msg Usage Msg Makes the bot /msg someone Join Usage Join [] Makes the bot join a channel Cycle Usage Cycle [] Makes the bot leave and rejoin a certain channel Leave Usage Leave [] Makes the bot leave a certain channel Nick Usage Nick Changes the nick of the bot Limit Usage Limit [] This is a replacement for the +l mode When the number of lusers reached = the number specified, the bot will +i the channel. Once the number of lusers is 3 les tht thnube pecified, it will -i Userhost Usage Userhost Returns the userhost of a person Steal Usage Steal Makes the bot try and steal a channel *** THIS COMMAND DOESN'T WORK YET *** RSteal Usage RSteal Makes the bot stop trying to steal a channel EnfModes Usage EnfModes [] Sets the modes to enforce on a certain channel. If no modes are given, then no modes are enforeced CmdChar Usage CmdChar Changes the bot's command character Server Usage Server Makes the bot switch servers NextServer Usage NextServer Makes the bot go to the next server in the serverlist Bomb Usage Bomb Sends a CTCP Reply to a channel or person Do Usage Do Sends raw crap to the server Spawn Usage Spawn Spawns a new bot with the given nickname options -s servername -u login -i ircname -z command character Example of usage spawn Tickler -s -u cbehrens -z - -i Do you want to be tickled??? GetCh Usage GetCh Returns the name of the bot's current channel ChanStats Usage ChanStats [] Returns basically useless information about a channl Global Usage Global args... Let's you control the other bots that are spawned Subcommands List -- Gives information about the current bots that are running Info -- same as List Die -- kills a certain bot or all bots Die Usage Die Makes the Stealth Bot Die EndTopic Topic New Commands Sbomb Usage Sbomb Sends multiple CTCP Replys to a channel or person Aflood Usage Aflood Sends multiple Action CTCP Replys to a channel or person Vflood Usage Vflood Sends multiple Version CTCP Replys to a channel or person Mflood Usage Mflood Sends multiple ego damaging messages to a channel or person Sflood Usage Sflood Sends multiple messages and various CTCP Replys to a channel or person EndTopic TheEnd